📄️ Server Configurations
Sample Config
📄️ SMTP Server Configurations
Frontier can be used to send invites to users to join an organization currently or send OTPs (One Time Password) for verification. For this it implements a mailer service which provides the functionality to send emails using the configured SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server. This involves establishing a connection with the SMTP server, authenticating with the provided credentials, and delivering the email to the specified recipients.
📄️ Authorization for APIs
There are 3 ways to authenticate in Frontier via APIs
📄️ CLI
frontier auth
📄️ MetaSchemas
MetaSchemas in Frontier are default JSON-schemas designed to validate metadata that is included in the body of a resource. These schemas provide a standard way of describing the expected structure and content of metadata, which can be used to ensure consistency and accuracy of metadata across different resources.
📄️ Proto Definitions
Raystack/Proton is an open-source project developed by Raystack (Open DataOps Foundation) that provides a unified way to define and manage APIs in a microservices architecture. It aims to simplify the development and deployment of APIs by abstracting away the underlying implementation details.
📄️ Shell Autocompletion
Bash auto-completion